

Want a successful music career? Help me help you!

February 22nd, 2013 + 9:02 AM  ·  Rachael

Hi Guys,

I am a 3rd year University student and am currently writing my dissertation on the implications of the digital age on music and the music industry.
I use the Internet alot in everyday life; as I'm sure you do too, as such I'm particularly interested in the new phase of independent musicians who use the Internet to help them build and establish music careers.
On face value this seems easy but I know that gaining a reputation can be hard, even online!

So, I decided to write my dissertation, working to the question: How has the digital age brought about a new trend of online entrepreneurial musicians?
As such I need an inside perspective; I need your help!
I've constructed a short, easy, 10 question survey that I would love you to fill in, its straight forward and easy; it will literally take 2 minutes!

The sample I'm looking for is generally any musician who strives for a successful career and uses the Internet to do so, as you can see - I'm pretty sure you are all eligible!
My aim is to ultimately be able to identify what habits and factors lead to success, I will be generating results in a couple of months so will come back and share my findings. Hopefully they will be able to aid some of you in furthering your career's or at least give you some ideas!
So, if you think you can help me, or are interested in the results I will generate just click here; http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FJ767GX
Thanks so much for your time   
~ Rach
Alias: Rachael
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Joined: February 22nd, 2013
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